VAT Refund Claim
There are various types of refunds that may be claimed by different persons for the VAT paid on specific expenses or costs.
The types of refunds that may be claimed from FTA may include:
- Refund of VAT by UAE VAT registered businesses
- Refund of VAT for Building New residences
- Refund of VAT for tourists
- Refund of Vat for business Visitors
- Refund of VAT for exhibitions and conference supplies
Certain conditions must be met to claim a refund of VAT on the above categories.
AKM Accounting can help you claim refund from FTA by fulfilling all of the required documents and records as may be required by FTA.
All the registered taxpayers are required to file a VAT return inputting the details of all the Sales, exports, imports, purchases and expenses. After adjusting the VAT on purchases and other inputs against the VAT on Sales and other outputs, the taxpayer may face one of the two situations

VAT Payable:
If output VAT amount is more than the Input VAT, the balance will be VAT payable which has to be paid to FTA.
VAT Recoverable:
If output VAT is lesser than the input VAT, the difference may be refundable from FTA
The taxpayer may exercise any of the two options to account for VAT refundable:
- The taxpayer will be eligible to request for a VAT refund
- The recoverable amount may be carried forwarded to adjust against the subsequent VAT return or other charges

After submitting the VAT return, you are required to complete the VAT refund application ‘Form VAT311’. With the required supporting documents attached and submit to FTA.
The FTA may require detailed documentation while reviewing a refund case. Hence, submitting proper documents and records is crucial for getting the refund approved, this is where AKM VAT experts can help you to submit the proper records to FTA for approval of the refund claim.